This is your friendly reminder to obtain a free copy of your credit report by going to, the official website established through the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Other sites may have similar names, such as “,” but they actually come with a price! Remember these tips: Try to have credit account info handy before logging on. For security purposes, you will be asked to verify information that can include anything from existing loans to prior addresses. If you have your last credit report available, that’s ideal. Get a report from all three repositories.: Experian, Equifax, and Transunion. As soon as you’ve accessed each of the reports, print or save a copy. If you close the window with the report open, you’ll have to wait one year to return to that bureau’s report. Review your reports carefully. If you find errors, please don’t hesitate to give me a call. We can talk about the potential impacts—good and bad—of credit disputes. You may purchase your “credit score” as an option. If you opt for this, keep in mind these scores can differ from those typically used by creditors. I highly recommend that you take advantage of every year as one additional step in protecting yourself from identity theft and to make sure your credit is in good order for the next time you need to apply for new credit, insurance, or sometimes, even new employment. As always, if you have any questions about this email, or just want to say "Hi," I'm here to serve you.